KS- Junior Beginners 2
Kindergarten is the preliminary level where young children are taught the alphabet and the words related to each letter. Basic things such as numbers, shapes, and colors will also be taught in detail during this level, and at the end of the level, young learners are expected to excel in identifying the said criteria effortlessly. This goal is achieved via our panel of teachers who will guide young learners with examples, revisionary tests, and in-class activities.
A student-friendly environment is infused with kindergarten classes that would make them comfortable for the learning process. Undivided individual attention will be provided to each student during class time and parents are advised to keep constant communication with the class teacher regarding their progress and concerns. Kinder is not a level that focuses on in-depth English language activities but moreover, a preliminary level that introduces young children to the English language and the journey of learning that awaits them.